The future of AD: A snippet from a wide-ranging conversation about AD with Dr Kathryn Locke, Fran Mathey and Polly Goodwin, exploring the future(s) of AD.AD and fans: Dr Kathryn Locke talks with describers Fran Mathey and Polly Goodwin about the impact of fans on AD (and about ‘that’ carriage scene from Bridgerton…)AD in Australia: In this episode of Focal Point (first broadcast on Vision Australia Radio), Professor Mike Kent talks about an upcoming symposium that will bring together audio describers, academics, advocates, and members of the broader ‘AD community’ to discuss the policies and standards for AD in Australia, with an emphasis on how they have evolved, what international contexts have informed this and what the future of AD may look like. AD and Representation: In this podcast, Dr Kathryn Locke and Polly Goodwin tackle the tricky subject of representation and AD.AD and Benshi: In this podcast, Polly Goodwin explores the art and craft of the Benshi, and how it aligns with – and differs from – audio description.AD in China: In this podcast, Dr Kathryn Locke explores AD in China.
Hear the difference AD can make
Below are two 90-second audio-only clips from the 1963 film, Charade, starring Audrey Hepburn and Cary Grant,
The first clip has no AD. Listen and reflect on how much you can follow what is going on and how that makes you feel.
The second clip is the same scene with audio description.
A clip from ‘Charade’ without AD.A clip from ‘Charade’ with AD by Polly Goodwin